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Showing posts from 2016

Dyspnoea, Difficulty in Breathing (Case no. 309)

Mrs. R, age 70 year old, came to with complaint of difficulty in breathing since 2004. symptoms aggravate on walking upstairs, morning. Desire - Cold food/ Milk Aggravation from- Cold Drink/Cold Water Taste of mouth is sweetish. Company aversion Religious Fastidious Everything want in proper place. Rubrics which I considered given in following repertorial chart.... Prescription - Now I prescribed Sulphur single dose. Follow up - After a week patient feel very well. And after 3 month she is completely well and not need to any medication. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Lecture/Demonstrator - Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Lucknow Founder of - Hahnemann Holistic Health Care, Homoeopathy, A Name of Faith Address - Near S.B.N. Inter College, Narpatkheda, Para, Lucknow Contact no.- 7985089127, 9506085537

Skin Eruptions (Case no. 99)

A 4 year old girl has a problem of eruptions on the face and neck since 5 month. Patient took many others treatment previously without any improvement. During observation I consider following rubrics= Mildness Timidity Weeping easily Tongue- white Desire- cold food Spices aversion Thermal- Hot pt According to symptoms I prescribe Pulsatilla, and after that all eruptions go off. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care, Homoeopathy, A Name of Faith Near S.B.N. Inter College Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P Email- Contact- 7985089127, 9506085537  

Kidney Stone (Case no. 312)

Name of the patient- Moh. Sufian Age- 3 year, Male Complaints- 2.9mm Stone in left kidney Patient came to me with his father on date 06/08/16 with previous reports of ultrasound of date 01/05/16 when stone size was 1.9mm, patient was on under allopathic treatment but there was no any relief in the pain. Next ultrasound on date 28/05/16 show 2.9mm size of stone. After that patient came to me on 06/08/16. I observed following symptoms… Aversion- sweet Desire- cold drink and cold water Sleep position- on abdomen Stool- Hard Fear- insect of, strangers of Obstinate child Thermal- Hot patient Prescription= according to symptoms I prescribe Lycopodium. Follow up= after a week there is no pain, medications continue for 2 month. On date 06/10/16 ultrasound show no stone.                                                ...

Breast Tumor (Case no. 159)

A 30 yrs old lady complaints of= Present complaints- 1. Pain on lower back since 2 month< beginning of the motion 2. Pain on both legs< beginning of the motion 3. Pain on the both breast due to tumor< Menses before 4. Acidity 5. Gas 6. Stool not satisfied in one time goes 3 to 4 time in a day Appetite= Less Desire= Rice Aversion=Sweet Thirst=Thirst less                                                                                 Mental 1. Patient cannot express her anger 2. Company desire 3. Fastidious 4. Chilly Patient Investigation Denotes= ...

Piles, Hemorrhoids (Case no. 293)

Mr. A, age 22 years, male, came to me with the complaint of bleeding piles from 4 years, bleeding occurs when stool became hard. During the case taking I considered following rubrics… Desire- salt/ sour food/ spice Aversion- sweets Thirst- thirst less Tongue- coated yellow with trembling Thermal- Hot patient Dreams- frightful Rubrics of the mind are- Anger suppressed A/F death of loved one Anticipation Want company Fear something bad happen Pessimist Sympathetic Prescription= according to symptoms I prescribed Nat mur 200 Follow up= after 7 days bleeding stop completely and relaxed on mental level also, patient was very happy. Treatment is on running and according to the language of patient his 95% troubles are gone. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care Near HP Gas Godam Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P Email- Contact- 9506085537

Skin Eruptions (Case no. 74)

Name of the patient- Mrs. K, age 66 years old Present complaints- Patient came to me with the complaints of itching and burning on the region of chest, perineum region with redness. Burning is aggravated when she scratch. The complaints are from 3-4 month. Patient use many allopathic creams and ointment but not relived. During the case history I noted following points – Desire- sweet and warm food Aggravation- cold drinks Tongue- black Thirst- thirsty Starting during sleep Thermal- Chilly patient Fear- Dark of Anxiety due to trifle matters Prescription- According to symptoms I consider rubrics that are given in reportorial chart and select Arsenic alb and given in 200 potency single dose with Lactopen of 7 days. After 3 days patient came to me with lots of smile and say I feel 90% better than previous, my burning and itching are completely absent and redness also decrease 90% After a week she was absolutely ok, and there is no need for any medica...


Mrs. P 28yrs came to me with a problem of recurrent tonsillitis of both side with suppuration and difficult in swallowing liquid and solid both. Allopath suggests her for removal of tonsils. Symptoms are.. Head pain after exposure to sun Tongue-white Stomach- Thirst less Dreams- Ghost Desire- Salt, Spices Aggravation- Sour Aversion- Sweet Thermal- Hot pt                               Mental Ailments from anger suppressed Company aversion Consolation agg Sympathetic Weeping easily Prescription- Nat.Mur 200 single dose for a week. Follow up- after a week she tell me now my 90% of trouble gone and I feel much better. After a month she was completely ok and there is no need for medication more. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care Near HP Gas Godam Narpa...

Piles, Hemorrhoids (Case no. 288)

Mr. S, age 19 y, male,  came to me with complaints of pain on the rectum with bleeding and veins are protrude since 1 week, pain aggravate while sitting. Desire- Sweets Sleep Position- Abdomen on Thermal- Hot Pt Company desire Mildness Prescriptions- According to symptoms I prescribed Lycopodium 200 single dose Follow up- after 3 days patient came to me very happy and says bleeding and pain are completely stop from the next days of medication. After 20 days patient says protrude veins are now not feel, there are no feeling of any veins. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care Near HP Gas Godam Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P Email- Contact- 9506085537

High T.S.H Level (Case no.193)

Mrs. S age 32 yrs came to me in very critical condition with palpitation on chest, swelling all over the body, cough when talking and laughing, difficulty in expectoration, trembling on extremities, difficulty in breathing, pain all over the body joints. Patient already take allopathic medicine from 1 week without any relief. Investigation= T.S.H report is 6.921ul.U./ml Thirst- thirst for large quantity often Desire- ice cream/salt/yoghurt Mental symptoms are= Anger suppressed Disappointment Company desire Dancing desire Weeping Sympathetic Fear of something happen Prescription= according to symptoms totality I prescribe Nat. Mur 0/1 Follow up= after 3 days patient says I feel much better now, my swelling completely disappear, palpitation on the chest also decreased, trembling also decreased, cough not present, and other all problems are also decreased. After 3 month no need for medication.    Dr. Deepanshu Shukla...

Leukorrhea (Case no. 268)

  Mrs. S, Age- 30 year came to me with the complaints of white discharge from vagina from 1 year with abdomen pain. White discharge flow during all day. Other complaints are difficulty in breathing while coughing. Easily take cold. Appetite- lack, don’t want to be eat Desire- cold food, salt, sweet Mouth- feels no taste of food Tongue- yellow MENTAL Irritable Company aversion Prescription= Nat. mur 0/1. Follow up after a week- appetite increase White discharge also decrease once or two time in a day Taste of mouth normal Cough not present Patient is on under  treatment. Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care, Homoeopathy, A Name of Faith Near S.B.N. Inter College Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P Email- Contact-7985089127, 9506085537

Sleeplessness (Case no. 194)

Name - Mr. Sharma Age – 60/M Patient came to me with the symptoms of sleeplessness and anxiety. During case taking I noted following symptoms Appetite – Less Desire – Sweet/ Fat Thirst – Thirsty Tongue - yellow During sleep use high pillow Anger when contradiction Egotism Hot patient Too many religious Company dislike Fastidious During case taking his son said to me my father cannot tolerate hot weather he became more anxious and insane. According to symptoms I consider rubrics that are given in reportorial chart and select Sulphur and given in 200 potency only single dose. Result after 7 days- completely relief in the all troubles.  Dr. Deepanshu Shukla Hahnemann Holistic Health Care Near HP Gas Godam Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P Email- Contact- 9506085537