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Psoriasis (Case no. 203)

Name of the Patient= Mrs. S
Age= 35 yrs/F
Present Complaints=
Skin eruptions psoriasis on Neck, Lt. under arm, Thigh all with itching since 1 year.
Desire= Spice food
Perspiration= Offensive
Want company
Tension (Anxiety) of Family
Love of Nature
Chilly Patient
Prescription= Carcinosin 200 single dose
Follow up= after 1 week Eruption of the neck disappear and itching disappear.
After 2nd week eruption of the under arm and thigh also gradually disappear
This is called Classic Prescription of Homeopathy.

Dr. Deepanshu Shukla
Hahnemann Holistic Health Care, Homoeopathy, A Name of Faith
Near S.B.N. Inter College Narpatkheda Para Lucknow U.P
Contact- 7985089127, 9506085537


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